Old Anandian
Engineers' Guild

Est. in 2017

Who We Are
OAEG logo

The Old Anandian Engineers’ Guild was formally established in 2017 by the founding president Eng. Kithsiri Gunasekara. It was incorporated into the college's main OBA as an affiliate group in 2018. The current president is Eng. Isuru Ponnamperuma leading a 26-strong group of EXCO Associates and Chartered Members of IESL (Institution Of Engineers Sri Lanka). The OAEG is further strengthened by its student chapter, which comprises all engineering undergraduates from state universities.

Our Mission

  • To enhance the knowledge of students in the school in subjects such as mathematics, computer science, and technology.
  • Providing guidance to young Anandians for a career in engineering.
  • Providing engineering advice for the development and maintenance projects of the school.
  • To enhance goodwill among engineers who are old Anandians.
  • To assist in the execution of the objectives of Ananda College Old Boys Association.
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Eng. Kithsiri Gunasekara

Director at VS Information Systems (Pvt) Ltd

President 2017-2018

It is my honor to share a few words about the Old Anandian Engineers' Guild (OAEG) as its inaugural President. The official formation of OAEG in 2017 was the culmination of numerous discussions and a widely recognized need among Ananda engineers for such a guild. The actual establishment, however, was sparked by the initiative of Prof. Udeni Nawagamuwa and his students at the University of Moratuwa. I vividly recall the dedication of Prof Nawagamuwa, Dr. Malaka, Randika, Chamith, and Tharuka in turning that collective dream into reality. The Guild's first Annual General Meeting and launch event, held with great flair at Kingsbury Hotel, was a testament to the tireless efforts of everyone involved. I apologize for any omissions in acknowledging these contributions.

I had the privilege of being the first appointed, rather than elected, President of the Guild. Over the past six years, OAEG has evolved significantly, becoming a key affiliated group of the Ananda Old Boys Association. The increasing volume of engineering consultancy requests from our alma mater speaks volumes about the Guild's significance.

But our commitment extended beyond just consulting; we also focused on mentoring undergraduate engineers from Ananda, aiming to elevate them to prominent industry positions. It's gratifying to see this trend continuing, starting with our initial discussion on "What it Takes to Become a CEO."

Furthermore, OAEG initiated a scholarship program and career guidance for Ananda students. But probably, the most impactful program, however, was "Sahurdha Saviya," led by OAEG undergraduates, to support Advanced Level students. The remarkable improvement in physical science results during its implementation year, while not solely attributable, probably was partly influenced by this initiative.

Despite the obstacles brought on by COVID-19, notably the hindrance of face-to-face gatherings, I must commend the remarkable resilience and unwavering dedication of the successive presidents and office bearers. Their efforts have been instrumental in maintaining the vitality and activity of the Guild. Under the adept leadership of Eng. Shiran Perera followed by Prof Udeni Nawagamuwa, their contributions have been nothing short of exemplary, surpassing what I managed to achieve during my tenure.

As the founding President, I extend my best wishes to OAEG, its current President Prof. Udeni Nawagamuwa, the office bearers, and future executive committee members. Finally, I must express my gratitude to the OAEG student body for their exceptional commitment and contributions to the Guild's success.

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